Still Doing It: The Intimate Lives of Women Over 65


A series of frank conversations with mature women about their desires and how they have dealt with their sexual needs as partnered, or single, heterosexual or lesbian women over the age of 65. Still Doing It director Deirdre Fishel gives a forum for women in the fast-growing segment of the population to talk about a taboo subject, sex. The discussion swings from cultural mores that hide the sexuality of mature women to real current and past sexual experiences. The issues range from May-December romances to love in the nursing home. The film’s straightforward manner does not lampoon sex for these brave, mature women but lifts the spirits with the expectation of the future. This film is guaranteed to challenge men and women of any age or cultural background to consider their own expectations of the future and sex.  MV


Deirdre Fishel


Deirdre Fishel, Diana Holtzberg

Release Year


Festival Year



United States

Run Time

55 minutes